Tuesday, 21 February 2012

''And You Said Our Aiming Was Bad.''
Is NOT the best thing you could say to a girl who just shitted on the floor , took a dump on the floor  suddenly felt nature calling and released the ''message'' onto the floor.
Let me explain, early today during school in the school's girl's toilet (not that I entered, my friend told me. Yes, a friend you forever alone people.) a girl suddenly felt the urge to release her ''package'' onto the floor when the toilet bowl was right next to it. This caused the toilet to stink of poop. And, being the ''lucky'' guy I am. The toilet was right next to my bathroom. =.=
The picture was me imagining myself humiliating the girl who did this, not that I actually talked to her (YOU CRAZY?). Besides that, the girl was never caught. Well, ninja shit dropper I salute you. But next time, please put your ''package'' to where it's suppose to be.

Friday, 17 February 2012


Welcome, welcome to my blog... Well this is overdue... Enjoy your stay here. I guess. o.o
This blog is largely due to my life and my best friends. No offence to the people that I forgotten to add. I just don't have enough space.